Nonoka meets and becomes friends with two guys. One is named Shinobu Oda, and he is the class president and Nonoka the vice-president. The other is hot-headed Hashiba Yuya, who at first thinks Nonoka would make the perfect judo club manager. That is until everyone discovers she is daughter of AIDA Seichirou, well known judo athlete. | |
Thus entails the story and love triangle. It turns out *both* Shinobu and Hashiba are her saviors. Shinobu and Hashiba actually first met years ago when they were little. Hashiba wanted to do judo because of Shinobu. As it turns out, Shinobu was a judo genius, very much like Nonoka. | |
But then...their lives changed when they saved Nonoka from the drunk. It was actually Hashiba who threw the drunk, and Shinobu who protected Nonoka. |
They both kept what actually happened secret, hiding Nonoka. Hashiba was left with a scar on his forehead, and Shinobu a scar on his back. Unfortunately, Shinobu's scar was serious...and it left him unable to ever do judo again. So Nonoka finally learns the truth... and is pulled into a love triangle between Hashiba and Shinobu. Who will she choose? The boy who vies to win the Olympics, or the boy who can never do judo again because of her? Heh, you'll have to read to find that out. |
Will it be Shinobu? | |