Minor Characters

Yumi is Nonoka's friend from Kita Jr. High. She finds Nonoka's savior story hard to believe. Not only that, she thought of the highly wonderful contest to join the judo club....with a little prize attached.

Masaya hates Yuya and is his twin brother...I guess we can say, the "evil twin" ^_~.

She's the music teacher, and is also the Track and Field advisor. Suzuki has his eye on her ^_-.

Kira's (darnit, he just had to have one) girlfriend, who goes to Seiran Educational Institute (an all girl's elite school).

Captain Oishi
Captain of the Kendo Club, he kicked Kira out because he supposedly wanted out *and* was causing trouble. Nonoka makes a deal with Oishi that if the Judo Club wins the championship, Kira will be let back into the Kendo Club.

AIDA Seichiro and Mama
Nonoka's mom and dad died in a car accident when Nonoka was about 8 (I think). They were also judo atheletes, Seichirou an Olympic gold medalist.

The Main Characters
The Supporting Characters